Our Story

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hello Friends and Family!
We are working hard to move to Africa in 81 days (January 15th)! In order to move we have to be fully funded. We would love for you to pray about joining our financial support team. 

 We have raised 34% of our monthly support goal. This will provide for our daily living expenses, such as housing, gas, food, utilities, taxes etc. If you are interested in joining our monthly support team, go here.

We have raised 30 % of our launch goal.  This includes plane tickets, health insurance, a vehicle, and work visas, etc. If you are interested in supporting us with a one-time gift please, click here.

We are getting excited to move to our new home! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

WOW! September was a busy month for us! We had a yard sale and were so blessed by everyone who helped us!

 Last week my school had Jeans for Malawi. That's right teachers will pay money to wear jeans to work! This event was a great success! My coworkers are amazing! Titus and I were overwhelmed with their generosity to help us get one step closer to moving to Africa.

So grateful that this week is Fall Break! I spent the weekend relaxing with a friend and her beautiful baby girl in the mountains! It was just what I needed! Our God is a very talented artist! Excited that the leaves are beginning to change.

Now I am in Northwest Arkansas visiting family and friends and sharing about Africa and what God is doing in our lives.