Our Story

Monday, April 20, 2015

WaWa from Malawi, Africa! ( That means hello). Muli bwanji? (How are you?) Hope everyone is doing well! I can't believe we have been in Malawi for a little over a week already! It is crazy how fast time flies. We have had a wonderful first week! We wanted to share some pictures with you. This past Friday was a very busy day. We played with the kids and ate lunch with them- nsima, slaw and beans. It was delicious! Then we went to the market with our team to buy items for our upcoming relief trip. Driving here is very different not only do you drive on the other side of the road but there are people and bikes all over the road as well. I am glad I was sitting in the back seat and not driving yet ; ). We ended the day watching our nephews and the Esther's House kids play soccer.  We  made some new friends too!

We wanted to THANK YOU for your prayers and support! Without you we wouldn't be here. We are so grateful to be involved in this ministry and begin doing the work God has called us to. Please continue to pray for us as we transition into our ministry and lives. 

To follow the latest updates on our work in Malawi visit www.facebook.com/puremission.

We are currently busy preparing for a Flood relief trip this Thursday to a village that is 80% Muslim. We will be distributing maize, beans, rice, sleeping mats and blankets. We will also be building a church/ feeding center there. Titus, David and Casey along with our staff at Esther's House have been busy loading the truck with supplies. The concrete bags alone weighed over 100 pounds. We are looking forward to our trip in just a few days. We would appreciate your prayers as we provide the villagers with basic needs and share about the love of Jesus Christ. 

If you would like to partner with us please visit www.purecharity.com/fernsformalawi. All gifts are appreciated and are tax deductible. Zikomo (Thank you)!

Kids playing with rocks. I love their uniforms!
Waiting for lunch
Pictures from the market....
                                                     Football Practice
The kids from the village love posing for the camera! :)

Lining up for lunch



Football Practice- favorite past time in Malawi

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The past few weeks we have been experiencing a lot of "last moments" for at least a little while. Can't believe that our time in Africa is almost here! We have captured some of our favorite "last moments"...

We moved out of our apartment on March 31st. We have loved living in Franklin, TN. Our jobs, church family and friends have been such a blessing to us over the past 3 and 1/2 years. Sunday the 29th was our last day with our precious church Family, Hope Church Franklin. They made us feel so loved. They made a prayer board for us, and our pastor even painted a picture for us- so thoughtful!

We had the best surprise last week! Our friend Erica had a secret t-shirt fundraiser for us to help us reach our launch goal! So thoughtful! We love these shirts! This was a wonderful blessing and great encouragement to us!

We have spent the past 2 weeks visiting family and saying goodbye. Here are some pictures from our visits!  We fit in a lot of activities with our families and definitely enjoyed many " last moments" together! We have loved having quality time with  our family! 

Next time I will be blogging will be from Africa! YAY!